30 July 2013

Primark Haul

Went a bit crazy in Primark the other day. I'm loving the summer collection this year, there's different trends on sale rather than just one. I've been loving graphic t-shirts at the moment with distressed jeans and some converses. The graphic tee makes the whole look rather grungy which is totally my style. But I do love adding a bit of the floral print here and there just to change things up a bit.

Two graphic t-shirts to add a bit of colour without going over board. These can be tucked in loosely into skirts or shorts for an grungy look. 
Dark Blue - £3
White - £4

Block colour top with pleather sides - £12, can be paired with dark leggings/jeans and heels

Chevron blue and beige midi dress - £13, pair it up with simple gladiators and a long necklace silver necklace.

hello there kitty :3

Blue and white striped dress - £10, would look awesome with white converses and a floral headband.

Pale blue high waited jeans, pair it up with the graphic tee's or a blouse to dress it up.

Black laser cut pumps, great with jeans as it add a bit of detailing to any simple outfit

A girl can never run out of tights!
Adding a polka dot or heart shape tights to shorts or a skirt can give a hint of innocence and girly-ness to any outfit. - £2.50. but be warned these thin tights can rip on you any minute due to the sheerness of them. Always pack another pair of tights as a spare and carry clear nail polish as adding it to a ladder can prevent it from getting any bigger. 

Frilly socks have become an obbsession of mine especially when they are worn with black chelsea ankle boots! -£2. 

What girl doesn't love to accessorise! I need to be admitted to 'AA' - Accesorise Addiction. These rings are a rusty metal, a lighter shade than gun metal. These rings came in a pack of 9 for £3!!
The best part of these rings is the different designs they each have. 

Arm Candy have been a huge hit this summer. They can be stacked with different colours and different designs. These arm candy's were only £2.50. I need to buy more of these!

I love reading other people's hauls, it lets me know that are in stores at the moment. Primark Haul's are especially my favourite as Primark don't actually have a website to show what they have in store. Although Asos have been putting a few Primark pieces online. Which makes it so useful when you don't have time to go all the way into town just to buy a few things.

- kristalovesx - 

27 July 2013

NOTW - Barry M, Berry Ice Cream

This week I was feeling kind of girly. I decided to paint them a pastel colour to brighten up any look without being out of my comfort zone of nail varnish colours. The 'Berry Ice Cream' from Barry M is the only shade of pastel that suits me well due to my darker complexion. the purple complements my skin tone as well as being one of my favourite colours ;) 

I bought this nail varnish from Superdrug for £2.99! Go get yours!

- kristalovesx -

19 July 2013

Don't you love magazine freebies? - July 2013

I picked up the recent edition of Marie Claire (£3.80). It came with the Eyeko Skinny Mini Liquid Eyeliner which usually retails for about £8.

The liquid eyeliner comes in a felt tip pen form, which is probably the easiest way to apply eyeliner if you're just starting out. The fine tip makes it easy to create a sharp and defined line when creating a cat-like flick. 

Eyeko claims that the liquid eyeliner is 'smudge-proof, fade-proof and above all foolproof'. I can tell you that it is defiantly smudge proof. I usually have problem with my eyeliner as it slides down my face by the end of the night, but this actually stays on! 

The best element about this eyeliner would probably be the finish of the eyeliner, it's a semi-matte. This is a total thumbs up for me as I hate the look of a shiny eyeliner. The more matte the better.

Make sure you go get Marie Claire this month, it's so worth it.

- kristalovesx -

15 July 2013

TUESDAY TIP! - Clumpy or Dried out Mascara

Have you guys ever had a problem where you want to use your favourite mascara but you open it and see it all clumpy? Well don't worry, I have a solution! I have found a simple trick to make your clumpy or your nearly run out mascara become smooth and clump free. Keep reading to find out!

 Here I have my two favourite mascara's, both from Max Factor. One's the MasterPiece - High Definition Mascara and the second is my most favourite the False Lash Effect in Waterproof. I find that the MasterPiece is best suited for my bottom lashes and the False Lash Effect is best used for them night's out when make up must stay on! So it was kind of annoying when I urgently needed my MasterPiece mascara and found that it was running out, on top of that the False Lash Effect was getting clumpy. So if you have a similar problem, here's how to fix it.  


Get a glass and put a bit of tepid water, then add some boiling water. This will create a perfect temperature for the mascara to melt and break down. When adding water make sure the water doesn't reach the seal of the mascara, as water may enter it and ruin your mascara.

Leave the mascara's in the water for about 5-10 minutes, depending on the clumpy-ness of the mascara. The more clumpy the longer you leave it. 

Try not to put the mascara in boiling water as this could potentially ruin the mascara and slightly over warm it. By adding the tepid water this will allow the mascara to break down in it's own time.

Wipe off the water from the mascara packaging and you're ready to use your mascara. You can that the consistency of the mascara has thinned out, this allows me to build up my mascara without it clumping up. 

Another reason why I like doing this is because the warmth of the mascara holds the curl for a tad bit longer compared to a normal mascara.

So this was my first 'Tuesday Tip', if you like this then don't you worry, I will have a tip for you every week! 

- kristalovesx -